Very few Mother Duck families, and indeed not so many of the current staff, will have heard of Roslyn Hinton, who passed away in May at the age of 85. However Mrs Ros,...
Enrolling your child in an early childhood setting can be an anxious (and exciting) time for families, especially if it is your first child being welcomed into a...
Button or coin batteries are identified by their small, bright and shiny round shape, and are generally found in electronic devices. If a product is small, electronic...
When children make the transition from an early childhood setting to the early years of formal schooling, it is important that they are set up to be the best version of...
In the lively world of early childhood education settings, the role of photography has recently begun to evolve from capturing ‘cute’ moments of individual children,...
Recently, both our educational leadership team and our kindergarten teaching teams have been exploring the work of international leadership expert, Simon Sinek. This...