Over the past year or so, the pedagogical (teaching and learning) team at Mother Duck have been exploring the idea of ‘slow time’ and what this might mean as we work...
Children are natural born imitators of life whether it be learning from the adults in their lives; how to interact with others, learning right from wrong, learning what...
The first 2000 days: the opportunity of a lifetime The first 2000 days between conception and the start of primary school are a critical time in a child’s life that is...
A conversation that regularly happens within the Early Childhood sector is the conversation around “school readiness programs”. Do you have a transition-to-school...
It is that time of year again. Shiny new books, pencils, and texts are all individually named. School uniforms are clean and waiting patiently in the wardrobe. Brand-new...
As early childhood educators, we are frequently asked questions about what we do and how we teach the children that walk through our doors every day. In the past, we...