navigating the child care subsidy

Navigating the Child Care Subsidy

There are many confusing and uncertain times when you are a new parent and finding the right information can often be a challenge. Whether commencing childcare for the first time or returning with younger siblings you have probably already been provided with an abundance of information to just get started. And now you’re being asked are you eligible for a Government Subsidy?
This subsidy is not always easy to understand, keep reading for the tips and tricks to navigate your way to success with the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

What is the Child Care Subsidy?
The Child Care Subsidy is a Federal Government subsidy that offers financial assistance to make early learning more affordable for many Australian families. All Mother Duck Childcare Centres have been granted Family Assistance Law Approval for the Child Care Subsidy. The subsidy is paid directly to childcare providers, who then pass the subsidy on to families as a fee reduction. Families then pay the difference or “gap” fee between the full fee and the subsidy.

Will I Be Eligible for the Child Care Subsidy?Child Care Subsidy table

How Is the Child Care Subsidy Assessed?
1) To meet the assessment requirements for Child Care Subsidy, families need to:
Earn less than $354305 in combined family income. Your income will determine your CCS percentage (the amount the Government will subsidise).

2) Engage in a recognized activity* for at least 8 hours a fortnight. The hours of subsidised care you can get per fortnight depends on the hours of recognized activities you do.

*Recognised activities can be combined to determine the maximum hours of CCS a family can get, these include:
• paid work, including being self-employed
• paid or unpaid leave, including parental or maternity leave
• unpaid work in a family business
• training to improve work skills or employment prospects
• an approved course of education or study
• volunteering
• unpaid work experience or internship
• actively setting up a business
• actively looking for work.

We provide flexibility

At Mother Duck Childcare we understand that today’s busy families need flexibility, so we provide the option for families to choose which hours best suit their needs.
We offer:

• 9 hour
• 10 hour and
• 12 hour sessions.

You simply choose the session that best suits your family.

How Do I Apply for the Child Care Subsidy?

You will need a MyGov account to apply for the Child Care Subsidy.
1. Sign in to MyGov and go to Centrelink.
2. Select ‘Payment and Claims’ from the menu, then ‘Claims’, then ‘Make a claim’.
3. Under ‘Families’, select ‘Get started’.
4. Answer all the questions. Each screen has information to help you complete the claim, this includes how to submit your supporting documents.
5. Submit your claim.
6. You can track the progress of your claim online, every step of the way
Click here* if you do not have a MyGov account. *Please insert hyperlink above

navigating the CCS blog image

I Need More Information
If you have further questions or are still confused, please give us a call at your local Mother Duck Centre or pop in to visit. Your friendly Franchisees are extremely experienced with assisting families to access their entitlement for the Child Care Subsidy.


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